Lost Sons of The Father

From August, 2016…

Lost Sons of the Father,
Why have you left?
My House is nearly empty.
It lies dark, cold, and unkempt.

You left all of your armor.
It collects dust on the wall.
Without it’s sturdy protection,
You cannot stand, and will fall.

The World, it has weapons
That you dare not dismiss.
If you refuse your defense
You’ll be forced to submit.

Your Hearth was deserted,
Flame withered to smolder.
The pantry was empty
A cold hunger took over.

So to you I wouldn’t listen,
Your warnings went unheeded.
Your frigid, barren, drafty House
Did not have what I’d needed.

I wandered then away
Through the fog in the night.
I’d lost the way to your House, Father,
As the space dimmed the light.

But the Glow of the Tower!
I can see from afar.
It cuts through the haze,
A replica star.

This Glow from the Tower
Leaks from every dark corner.
It pulses, surrounds me
Blankets me over.

The laws of your Fire,
This light does not obey.
The warmth your Fire gives me,
This takes it away.

The heat from your Hearth
is given up for the Glow.
But the cold doesn’t matter,
I just want the show.

Show me more! I demand,
There is always more to see.
The icy vacuum inside of me,
it shivers, quivers, needs

A warmth that isn’t here,
A fire I cannot find
In the Tower where I seek.
It’s in the House I left behind.

Now the house is abandoned,
A grimalkin guards the door.
She welcomes dark strangers
With a purr, not a roar.

Sons, my walls, they are crumbling,
The locks have all been broken.
The Fires are not lit,
It’s past time that we’d spoken.

The Steward has failed.
He’s muddied my word.
My commands have been mocked,
My lines have been blurred.

Too weak to stoke the Fires,
Too old to feed your soul.
I need new men to return
To reclaim this sacred role.

My House is in peril,
Sweat drips down my brow.
The hordes, they are coming
I can’t stop them now.

Please, come back and fight,
You must rescue your home,
Evil must be defeated,
And crushed down below.

Alone, I am, Father,
I’m now hollow and weak.
But now I’ve heard your voice
I know of what you speak.

Evil’s always covered
The earth in sin.
But it’s invaded our house.
And we let it in.

It crept into the Word,
Through the Word it was sown.
Replacing Fire above,
With Fire below

I must relearn your Word
To rekindle my Flame
I’ll crawl down from the Tower
And I’ll spread your good name.

It’s up to us now,
Lost Sons of the Father,
We must relight the Fire
And make it burn hotter.

Great evil is coming,
It will not cease.
You must take up arms,
There will be no peace.

I’ll summon an army,
We’ll flock to his banner,
Any attempt by the World
To interfere, won’t matter.

For our will is strong
And our cause is just.
Our Fires burn hot.
We will win. We must.

This is not the beginning,
This is not the end,
This is a war for your soul,
And the future, my friend.

Come, fight with me, brother!
Bring your sword, grab your shield.
We’ll meet demons in battle,
and face death on the field.

When we reclaim his House,
We’ll relight the Fire.
We’ll restore its old glory,
Divinely inspired.

Rise, Honor your Father
And the men who came before,
To the builders, the Martyrs,
The fighters, and the Lord.

Oh, Sons of the Father
Led astray by the Glow,
Come back to the Fire,
Return to your Home.